Provides services and referrals to empower elders, their families and caregivers to make informed choices about aging in place with dignity, purpose and security. Services are available to relative caregivers over the age of 55.
Provides complete family health care, birth certificates, immunizations, care for sexually transmitted diseases, anonymous and confidential testing for HIV and family planning.
A Interface Youth Program that operates three shelters for runaway, truant and troubled youth. These shelters act as crisis stabilization centers where kids and their parents can take a break from on another and begin working on family issues. Interface provides...
Provides a full range of comprehensive health care, including: primary care, specialty care, and long term care to those who served in the active military, naval or air service and are separated under any condition other than dishonorable.
A Interface Youth Program that operates three shelters for runaway, truant and troubled youth. These shelters act as crisis stabilization centers where kids and their parents can take a break from on another and begin working on family issues. Interface